Member States

Flag of Algeria


Flag of Algeria

Algeria | National Judicial Training Institute / School

المدرسة العليا للقضاء

Ecole Superieure de la Magistratur
The Supreme Judicial School

Ecole Superieure de la Magistrature
BP 222 Koléa RP Tipaza.
Code postal:42003
Tel: +(213) 24 28 10 97+(213) 24 28 10 98
Fax: +(213)

About The Supreme Judicial School

The Supreme Judicial School

About The Supreme Judicial School L’École Supérieure de la Magistrature (ESM) is a public administrative establishment, endowed with legal personality and financial autonomy, placed under the supervision of the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals. – From an organizational standpoint, ESM is managed by a Director General assisted by a Director of Basic Education, a Director of Internships, a Director of Continuous Education and a Secretary-General. In addition, ESM is managed by a Board of Directors (BoD) and has a Scientific Board. The nature of education at ESM was determined by the law promulgated on 12 December 1989, concerning the statute of the Magistracy, and has found practical reflection in Executive Decree No. 90-139 dated 19 May 1990 regarding the organization and operation of ESM, as well as the rights and duties of students.

All ESM activities officially began in 1990 with the admission of the first batch of student magistrates. ESM Tasks The ESM main tasks are the basic education of student magistrates, the continuous education of working magistrates, improve their level and requalify them.” Budget In 2008, ESM’s budget was estimated at DZD 463,956,000, of which 70% was allocated to employees’ wages and 30% to operating costs. Organization of ESM From an organizational standpoint, ESM is managed by a Director General assisted by a Director of Basic Education, a Director of Internships, a Director of Continuous Education and a Secretary-General. In addition, ESM is managed by a BoD and has a Scientific Board.

Director General ESM Director General is appointed as per a presidential decree based on the proposal of the Minister of Justice, keeper of seals. His tasks are terminated in the same forms. ESM Director General shall, in particular, do the following:

  • Represent ESM before the courts and in all civil acts.

  • Propose the internal organization and implement ESM bylaw after having them been approved by the BoD.

  • Propose the basic education program projects as well as cooperation and exchange projects, and participate in in the development of the continuous education program project, after consulting the Scientific Board.

  • Prepare ESM budget project and submit the same to the BoD.

  • Exercise hierarchical authority over all staff and appoint staff for whom another method of appointment is not planned, in accordance with the applicable regulations.

  • Enter into all contracts, pacts, covenants and agreements within the framework of the applicable regulations.

  • Take all necessary measures to improve education and training provided at ESM.

  • Prepare BoD meetings and ensure implementing the deliberations thereof.

  • ESM Director General shall direct dispensing ESM’s budget.

  • ESM Director General shall be assisted, in his duties under his authority, by: A Secretary General and a Director of Basic Education, a Director of Continuing Education, and a Director of Internships.

Secretary General In particular, ESM secretary is charged with matters of public administration, human and financial resources, ESM-related data entry, and management and enrichment of ESM library.

Director of Basic Education The Director of Basic Education shall exclusively be liable for undertake any action aimed at implementing, monitoring, controlling, and evaluating the program adopted in the fields of basic education of the student magistrates.

Director of Continuous Education The Director of Continuous Education shall exclusively be liable for organizing, conducting and following up the different categories of the continuous education phase for working magistrates. He shall also be liable for cooperation and exchanges with similar national and international institutions.

Director of Internships The Director of Internships shall exclusively be liable for conducting, monitoring and controlling internships according to their nature at the level of the judicial authorities. He shall also be liable for the organization and the smooth running of ESM entrance exam. —————————————– ESM internal organization is determined by a joint decision between the Minister of Justice, Keeper of Seals, the Minister of Finance and the authority of the public service.

Flag of Algeria

Algeria | National Official Representative(s) to EAJTN

Hussien Mabrouk


Mr Abdelkrim DJADI

Director General of the High School of Magistracy, advisor at the Supreme Court, graduated from the National School of Administration – judicial section in 1989, holder of a degree in business law from the French National School of Magistracy and a diploma in fighting cybercrime from the USA and a train the trainer’s diploma from the French National School of Magistracy.

As a judge : He held several positions, starting as Examining Magistrate at the tribunals of Blida and El Affroun, then as Delegated Magistrate at the Cabinet of the Minister of Justice, where he was in charge of monitoring counterterrorism cases at the Courts of Justice, in addition to monitoring economic cases at the Examining Offices. He was appointed Deputy Director of Sentences Implementation and Grace Measures at the Ministry of Justice, then Public Prosecutor at the Tribunal of Bir Mourad Rais, then First Deputy Public Prosecutor at the Court of Algiers, where he was in charge of extradition cases from London and international legal assistance and special cases, as well as the Communication Unit at the same Court. He was appointed deputy director of prospective and organisation at the General Directorate for the Modernisation of Justice at the Ministry of Justice, then chief Prosecutor at the Court of Guelma, then Chief Prosecutor at the Court of Taref, then appointed in 2020 as Director General of the High School of Magistracy.

As an Expert : Mr. Djadi was appointed as a founding member of the Financial Intelligence Unit (Ministry of Finance) for a period of six years. The said unit is in charge of countering money laundering and terrorism financing, he then became an international assessment expert with the GAFIMOAN ” Groupe d’Action Financière pour le Moyen-Orient et l’Afrique du Nord ” (Evaluation of the anti-money laundering and financing of terrorism systems in Jordan, Lebanon, the Republic of Djibouti and the Republic of Yemen), he also took part in the works of the expert commissions of the International Monetary Fund held on the same topic.

As a Trainer : Throughout his professional career, Mr. Djadi has trained magistracy students in several subjects: criminal procedures, bankruptcy and judicial settlement, civil status, public prosecution, examining magistrates, corruption crimes, etc. He has also given more than 200 lectures at the national level and several training courses for magistrates working in courts on organised crime, international judicial mutual assistance, new investigative techniques, business criminal law, international trade, countering money laundering and terrorism financing and countering cybercrime. At the international level, Mr. Djadi conducted training sessions for the IMF for magistrates and executives of the Financial Intelligence Centre in Kuwait, as well as for executives from African countries in Tunisia, and sessions for diplomats on fighting corruption at the “Institute of Diplomatic Studies”, He also gave lectures on organised crime in Monaco, on money laundering typologies for the AMF in Abu-Dhabi, on refugee rights for the High Commissioner for Refugees in Cairo and on the independence of the judiciary for the Arab Magistrates and Lawyers Association in Cairo. Moreover, he participated in several commissions for the preparation of draft laws at the Ministry of Justice such as the Code of Criminal Procedures, the anti-corruption law, the anti-money laundering law and the financing of terrorism and chaired the National Commission for Judicial Mapping.

Useful national links

Brief About National Judicial Systems in Member States: Algeria All Countries

Last Updated November 12, 2023