Member States

Flag of France


Flag of France

France | National Judicial Training Institute/School


Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature
The French National School for Judiciary (ENM)

Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature
Sous direction du Département international
 8, rue Chanoinesse F – 75004 Paris
 Tel :  + 33 (0) 1 44 41 88 34
 Fax : + 33 (0) 1 44 41 88 00

About The French National School for Judiciary (ENM)

The French National School for Judiciary

The only school for judges and prosecutors in France, the French National School for the Judiciary (Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature: ENM) was founded in 1958. It has the status of a national public administrative establishment and is placed under the authority of the French Ministry of Justice. This status gives the school autonomy in its administrative and financial management. Based in Bordeaux and Paris, the French National School for the Judiciary recruits French judges and public prosecutors annually. It designs and provides both their initial 31-month training and their in-service training throughout their careers. The School also trains other legal professionals as well as judges and prosecutors from outside France.

A POWERFUL INTERNATIONAL COMMITMENT From the very first year of its existence, the National School for the Judiciary opted for a broad international outlook. As a central player in the European construction in terms of training, the school is active throughout the world, improving and modernizing training for judges and prosecutors. Conscious of the enriching effect of exchanges between practitioners in different countries with their own judicial cultures, each year it sends numerous French judges and prosecutors to train abroad and welcomes within its walls judges and prosecutors from a variety of countries. The International Department of the ENM aims to share the expertise it has acquired over more than 60 years. In so doing, it contributes to promoting continental law and, more generally, to maintaining the rule of law all over the world.


Teaching and support missions: – A permanent offering comprising initial and in-service training modules as well as trainer training; – Technical assistance (assessments or audits) for training institutions from other countries, whether they are setting up or seeking to professionalize. Areas of expertise: – Pedagogical and administrative engineering; – International issues: organized crime, drug trafficking, corruption, terrorism, cybercrime, human rights, etc. ; – Professional practice: functions of the public prosecutor, civil and commercial proceedings, mediation and conciliation. Working Frameworks: – Contractual service provisions; – Bilateral projects; – Calls for tender, calls for proposals and twinning programs in the framework of multilateral financing by international organizations; – Judicial Training Networks: European Judicial Training Network (EJTN), Euro-Arab Network for Judicial Training (EANJT), International Organization for Judicial Training (IOJT), European Program for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP).

Flag of the Netherlands

France | National Official Representative(s) to EAJTN

Nathalie Roret


Nathalie Roret

Director of The French National School for the Judiciary

Tel.: +(0)5 56 00 10 10 Email :  Twitter : @NathalieRoret

Nathalie Roret has been the Director of the French National School for the Judiciary (ENM) since October 7, 2020. She became a lawyer at the Paris Bar in December 1989 and has practiced in law firms for more than 30 years. She has specialized in criminal law for the last 20 years, developing an expertise in complex criminal litigation and crisis management. Throughout her career, she has acquired a recognized know-how on issues of compliance and criminal liability in business law, public health, environment and cybercrime. Trained in Alternative Dispute Resolution, she is referenced as a mediator and regularly intervenes as such.

Mandates and commitments

Since 2010, Nathalie Roret is committed to the professional organizations of the Bar. Elected to the Bar Council (2010-2012), she chairs the work of the Ordinary Commission on Sustainable Development in charge of implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR). In 2015, she became a member of the Ethics Committee of the Paris Bar Association and was elected to the Board of the National Bar Council (2015-2017). In 2020, elected Vice-Bâtonnière of the Paris Bar Association, she has committed to promoting women’s rights and sets up the Observatory for Equality and the Fight against Discrimination.

Brief About National Judicial Systems in Member States: France All Countries

Last Updated November 12, 2023