Member States


Palestine | National Judicial Training Institute/School

المعهد القضائي الفلسطيني
Palestinian Judicial Institute
Address : Ministry of justice building, Um Alsharayet, Albireh, Palestine
Tel : +97022971375
Fax : +97022971431
About The Palestinian Judicial Institute
PJI is deemed one of Justice sector organizations, and it is a financially and administratively independent governmental institution, concerned with judicial and legal affairs. Since its inception, many legislations have been organizing the work of the Palestinian Judicial Institute, the last legislation is a presidential Decree No.(7) of 2021 issued on 15/02/2021 regarding ratification of amendment of presidential degree No. (6) of 2008, as this Legislation made major amendments mainly related to members of the Board of Directors as the chairman of the Board was the minister of justice but with the new amendment the Chief of justice is the chairman. There are different legislations namely: – 1. Cabinet Resolution No. (89) of 2004 regarding the Palestinian Judicial Institute, issued on 5/7/2004. 2. Presidential Decree No. (6) of 2008 regarding the Palestinian Judicial Institute, issued on 1/3/2008 (has been amended), 3. Cabinet Resolution No. (6) of 2008 regarding the Judicial Institute, issued on 26/5/2008. 4. Cabinet Resolution No. (20/19/14 C/MSF) of 2012 regarding ratification of the amendment of Cabinet Resolution No. (7) of 2008 regarding the labor law of the Palestinian Judicial Institute, issued on 25/9/2012. 5. Cabinet Resolution No. (8) of 2017 to amend Cabinet Resolution No. (7) of 2008 regarding the Palestinian Judicial Institute law, issued on 17/1//2017. PJI is deemed the official body concerned with building and developing competent judicial staff, members of the Public Prosecution office, and administrative personnel working in the justice sector. PJI’s organizational structure was approved on 17/11/2015, and to form PJI’s structural basis, its composition, its departments and its various panels, where PJI is presided over by a director, which is the highest position in PJI, with the rank not less than an appeals judge who is according to the new legislation is assigned by High Judicial Council for a 3 year period, renewable one year, he exercises direct supervision over public administrations and the committees associated therewith and coordinate their work. He shall be deemed liable before the BoD for the execution of PJI’s general policy and the annual plan.
Vision: to become the main center of excellence in the quality of judicial training and development in the Palestinian judicial system.
Mission: Building competencies, developing of the knowledge and the improvement of judges and prosecutors’ skills in Justice sector to guarantee the progress of the performance of the legal staff, by providing them with the continuous educational and development opportunities PJI’S Board of Directors (BoD). PJI is supervised and managed by PJI’s BoD, where the decree and the regulation cleared the duties of PJI and the structure of the BoD. PJI’s BoD is made up of: 1. Chief Justice (Chairman): He is the Chairman of PJI’s BoD. 2. Vice president of Supreme Court judge )(Deputy Chaiman), One of the Supreme Court judges selected by the High Judicial Council (Vice President). 3. President of appeal court. 4. The Palestinian Attorney General 5. Deputy Minister of justice. 6. President of Lawyer Bar Association. 7. Two faculty members from the faculties of law in Palestinian universities, neither of which is less than an associate professor of law. Among the most important powers of the BoD: 1. Drawing up PJI’s general policy and approving the plans with regard to PJI’s affairs. 2. Developing instructions and directives for implementing PJI’s Regulation. 3. Approving PJI’s structure and amending the same. 4. Approving PJI’s financial budget. 5. Forming the academic committee and arranging academic affairs for the judicial diploma program.
PJI’s Academic Committee This committee takes the responsibility of supervision on the Academic and Educational affairs in PJI as per the provision of Article (9) of PJI’s Regulation and reports to the director of PJI. This committee consists of: 1. The Academic Committee is formed, by a decision of the BoD, of four members and a chairperson. 2. The Director shall be ex officio Chairman of the Committee. The High Judicial Council shall appoint two judges as members of the Committee, and the BoD shall appoint two experienced and qualified persons, provided that one of them shall be a member of the Public Prosecution named by the Attorney General for a renewable 2-year period. 3. The committee shall designate one of its members as a Secretary-cum-Rapporteur.
The Committee’s Duties according to the Academic Affairs Instructions: 1. Reviewing and approving the study plan for each academic course. 2. Reviewing and approving the written study material for each academic course. 3. Developing a proposal of the academic study calendar, submitting the same to the BoD before the first day of June of each year for approval, and submitting any proposals about amending the same. 4. Reviewing the exams system, procedure and dates, and submitting any proposals to the BoD to amend the same. 5. Viewing the results of the exams and submitting any proposals to the BoD with regard to approving such results. 6. Approving PJI Director’s decisions to prevent a student from doing his final exam or considering the student as having completed a course, as per what was stipulated in the regulations for awarding a diploma.
7. Submitting proposals to the BoD regarding the diploma curriculum or the number to be accepted for study at PJI, tuition fees, bonuses and charges for teaching and educational services. Reviewing and approving continuous training programs, curricula and training materials, and making any modifications thereto after execution within a 90-day period from the end of the training program.

Palestine | National Official Representative(s) to EAJTN
H.E Judge
Judge Belal Abu Hantash
Director of the Palestinian Judicial Institute
Tel: 0599-20224 / 0597-379379
Palestinian, born on Nov 24 th 1970
Professional Experience
• Director of the Palestinian Judicial Institute since 01/09/2021 till now
• High Court Judge – 2021
• Appeal Court Judge – 2019
Other Related Experiences
• President of the first Instance Court/ Jericho
• President of the first Instance Court / Tulkarem
• Member of the Panel of Governmental Experts for the State of Palestine
to review the implementation of the United Nations Convention against
• Corruption crimes Court Judge
• Committee for assigning new judges (3 times)
• Bachelor Degree in Law/ Mohammed V University/ Morocco
Brief About National Judicial Systems in Member States: Palestine – All Countries
Last Updated November 12, 2023