The General Assembly Meeting of the Euro-Arab Judicial Training Network


Barcelona, Spain, November 23-24, 2022 – he meeting of the General Assembly of the Euro-Arab Network for Judicial Training was held in person, in the presence of official representatives of the 13 member states of the European and Arab region, which includes (Jordan, Palestine, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Algeria Tunisia, Morocco, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania and Belgium), and Algeria was absent due to a health emergency.


Her Excellency Judge Dr. Nawal Al-Jawhari, Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of the Network, emphasized in her opening speech on the agenda of the General Assembly that “work in the programs and business of the Network during the past period has contributed to strengthening joint cooperation to provide support and assistance to judges, prosecutors, and members of the judiciary in the member states to enhance communication among each other to support the dissemination of judicial knowledge in the field of professional training.”

Al-Jawhari added, “The further development of the Network’s business through its mission is to enhance mutual understandings about judicial and legal systems and joint communication to learn about international work cultures; to promote and improve the joint use of tools, procedures and standards at the national and international levels as a fundamental pillar of international cooperation among member states and the exchange of experiences among them to reach International best practices in judicial and juridical work.

At the beginning of the work of the General Assembly, the members expressed a warm welcome to the Director of the Palestinian Judicial Institute, His Excellency Judge / Bilal Abu Hantash, for assuming his new position and representing the State of Palestine among the members of the General Secretariat of the Network. In the context of reviewing the achievements of the work of the Network, the Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of the Network, His Excellency Judge Dr. Nawal Al-Jawhari, extended a special thanks to His Excellency Judge Dr. Jamal Al-Sumaiti, Director General of the Dubai Judicial Institute, for the Institute’s initiative to launch the Network’s website, which formed a strong support to ensure the success of the Network’s message and mission in sharing judicial and juridical knowledge through the various paths of raising legal and judicial awareness. The members also commended the role of the Dubai Judicial Institute and the Network’s team in the United Arab Emirates for their participation in a key role in achieving commendable achievements.

With the unanimity of the members, the General Assembly approved the renewal of confidence in the Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of the Euro-Arab Judicial Training Network, the Director General of the Judicial Institute of Jordan Her Excellency Judge Dr. Nawal Al-Jawhari, and approved the Network’s financial report for the year 2020, and the extension of the mandate of the current Board of Directors of the Network, chaired by Morocco, consisting of six members (Morocco, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, France, Spain, Belgium), provided that a new Board of Directors shall be elected in the first face-to-face meeting of the General Assembly, in addition to the unanimity of the members on the warm welcome of the request of the Italian school to join the membership of the Network, emphasizing that the success of the Network’s initiatives and programs during the past period has laid the foundation for managing the professional training system on a large scale, with the need for improvement and development efforts.

At the conclusion of the agenda of the General Assembly, the members thanked His Excellency Judge Owayyed Althuwaimer for his efforts to success the Network’s agenda during his work as Director General of the Kuwait Institute for Judicial and Legal Studies, who will leave the Network.