The website of the Official Gazette “The Essentials of the Law” contains statutes and decrees from 1962.
contains information about the judiciary, the Ministry of Justice, the respective competences of and contact details for various offices.
The website of the Bibilothèque Nationale contains Literature (Textbooks on Civil Law, Administrative Constitutional Law, Criminal Law). Most Algerian law books are published in French.
The website of the Legal Information Network of Gulf-Kuwaitcontains information about the judiciary, the Ministry of Justice, the respective competences of and contact details for various offices.
The website of the Italian Ministry of Justice contains information about the judiciary, the Ministry of Justice, the respective competences of and contact details for various offices.
The website of the Superior Council of Magistrates offers details about the Italian judicial system in Italian, English and French.
The portal of the judiciary of Belgiumgives access, among other things, to judgments, legislation and the Official Gazette (Moniteur belge/Belgisch Staatsblad).