Info About Member States
towards a new model of international judicial training cooperation
The judiciary is a sacred profession and a sublime mission, and the work of judges emanates from the work of the apostles.
Address by the Secretary General of the Network
Judge Dr. Nashat Al-Akhras
The judiciary holds a noble mission, one that fosters peace, stability, growth, and prosperity within society. A fair judicial system—one that delivers justice, equality, and protects rights—is essential. It rests on the public’s trust in the legal system to uphold the rule of law and combat corruption.
An independent and impartial judiciary plays a crucial role in promoting economic, political, and social stability. By upholding the rule of law, safeguarding rights, and streamlining legal procedures, the judiciary creates an environment conducive to investment, commerce, and the protection of rights. When a strong and effective judicial system is in place, it inspires confidence and security in society.
To achieve these noble objectives, we must enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of judicial personnel. This can be accomplished through the continuous development of legal procedures and the professional training of human resources. Investing in people—particularly in the skills and competencies of those within the judiciary—has proven to be one of the most impactful investments in driving societal development.
One key goal of judicial institutes is to nurture and strengthen the skills of their personnel. This includes training and empowering judges, prosecutors, and administrative staff, equipping them with the tools they need to excel in their roles. By doing so, we ensure that courts and law enforcement bodies are staffed with highly qualified professionals capable of upholding justice.
This is where the European-Arab Judicial Training Network plays a pivotal role. The network was established to foster the exchange of knowledge and expertise in legal education and training among member countries. By organizing training courses, exchange programs, and ongoing professional development—including the training of trainers—the network enhances the capacities of judicial personnel. It ensures that they are equipped with the knowledge, experience, and rich legal heritage necessary to meet the evolving demands of today’s fast-paced economic, technological, and social landscape.
Judge Dr. Nashat Al-Akhras
Secretary General of the Permanent Secretariat
European-Arab Judicial Training Network
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Administrative bodies of the Network
The Network comprises a General Assembly, a Board of Directors, and a Secretariat.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is composed of representatives from the judicial training institutions mentioned in Article 5 paragraph 1 above. It meets once per year, upon notice of meeting by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, in one of the countries of its members, the location alternating between the Arab League and the European Union. An extraordinary General Meeting can be held on request of two thirds of its members or of the Board of Directors. The methods for giving notice of meetings are determined in the by-laws.
The General Assembly is chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The General Assembly is authorized to amend the articles of agreement. The General Assembly adopts the by-laws, the budget, the schedule of activities and the financial statements.
The General Assembly is authorized to determine the general policy of the Network. The General Assembly elects the members of the Board of Directors from among its members. The General Assembly decides unanimously whether the Network will join other judicial training networks.
The General Assembly may form commissions and task forces on specific topics related to the activities or to the organization of the Network and may appoint the members of these commissions and task forces.
Quorum and votes within the General Assembly
Members have one vote. In the event that several members belong to the same country, all of these members have one single vote.
The decisions of the General Assembly are made on the basis of a simple majority of votes cast by members who are up to date with their subscription fees and present or represented.
Amendments to the articles of agreement and the dissolution of the Network can only occur where approved by at least two thirds of the countries of the Network.
Voting by proxy is authorized under the conditions foreseen in the by-laws.
The minutes and decisions of the General Assembly shall be communicated to all members.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is made up of 10 (ten) members elected by the General Assembly: 5 (five) in the name of the States of the Arab League and 5 (five) in the name of the States of the European Union.
The Board of Directors shall serve a two-year term.
The Board of Directors elects, from among its members, a representative of each of the two groups of countries, these groups corresponding to the Countries of the Arab League and the Countries of the European Union, these representatives serving alternately as chairman and vice-chairman for a one-year term. In the event of a tied vote the chairman has the casting vote.
The Board of Directors is responsible for the general administration of the Network. Its chairman is authorized to sign documents and to represent the Network. In the event of an unexpected event preventing the chairman from carrying out his duties the vice-chairman shall take his place. The Board meets at least once per year, in the country of one of the Member States under the conditions determined in the by-laws.
The Secretariat, a position filled by the Judicial Institute of Jordan, implements, under the authority of the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Network, the activities undertaken by the Network. It is in charge of coordinating the activities of the Network, communicating information to the members, and providing practical support related to its activities.
Membership, accession and withdrawal
In consideration of the rules, legal traditions and culture as well as the internal structure of each State, public institutions (such as national schools or entities, central authorities) that are specifically responsible for training judges in the Member States of the European Union and the
Member States of the Arab League are eligible to become members of the Network Signatories to these articles of agreement who fulfil these conditions are fully-fledged members.
International organizations and other networks involved in judicial training may be invited to participate as observers.
In the event of a serious breach of its obligations or in the event that an institution no longer meets the membership criteria, a decision may be taken to terminate its membership.
In any case a member of the Network can withdraw under the condition to prior notify its decision to the Board.
Decisions on accession to the network as a member or an observer as well as decisions on expulsion are taken by the General Assembly on advice of the Board of Directors.
Funding and budget
The budget is presented by the Board of Directors to the General Assembly.
It includes:
In received funds:
Member contributions;
Grants of any type;
Donations and legacies;
All other funds authorized by the General Assembly.
In expenses:
Equipment and operational costs of the Network.
The budget of the Network is managed in accordance with the conditions set forth in the by-laws.
Last Updated October 30, 2024