EAJTN Secretariat

Official Representatives of Member States

Euro-Arab Judicial Training Network (EAJTN) and Enhancing the Rule of Law

Address by the Secretary General of the Network
Judge Dr. Nashat Al-Akhras

Dr.Nawal Al-jawhari

The judiciary holds a noble mission, one that fosters peace, stability, growth, and prosperity within society. A fair judicial system—one that delivers justice, equality, and protects rights—is essential. It rests on the public’s trust in the legal system to uphold the rule of law and combat corruption.

An independent and impartial judiciary plays a crucial role in promoting economic, political, and social stability. By upholding the rule of law, safeguarding rights, and streamlining legal procedures, the judiciary creates an environment conducive to investment, commerce, and the protection of rights. When a strong and effective judicial system is in place, it inspires confidence and security in society.

To achieve these noble objectives, we must enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of judicial personnel. This can be accomplished through the continuous development of legal procedures and the professional training of human resources. Investing in people—particularly in the skills and competencies of those within the judiciary—has proven to be one of the most impactful investments in driving societal development.

One key goal of judicial institutes is to nurture and strengthen the skills of their personnel. This includes training and empowering judges, prosecutors, and administrative staff, equipping them with the tools they need to excel in their roles. By doing so, we ensure that courts and law enforcement bodies are staffed with highly qualified professionals capable of upholding justice.

This is where the European-Arab Judicial Training Network plays a pivotal role. The network was established to foster the exchange of knowledge and expertise in legal education and training among member countries. By organizing training courses, exchange programs, and ongoing professional development—including the training of trainers—the network enhances the capacities of judicial personnel. It ensures that they are equipped with the knowledge, experience, and rich legal heritage necessary to meet the evolving demands of today’s fast-paced economic, technological, and social landscape.

Judge Dr. Nashat Al-Akhras

Secretary General of the Permanent Secretariat

European-Arab Judicial Training Network


Dr.Nawal Al-jawhari

Surname        : AKHRAS

First Names   : NASHAT MOHAMAD 

Place of BirthJordan

Date of Birth :   18/07/1964

Email address: nashat1akras@yahoo.com

Mobile number : 00962 777180777


Certificate Year University  Country
1- PH.D in commercial Law  2000 Lebanon University   Lebanon
2- Master’s degree in law 1990 University of Jordan Jordan
3- Bsc in Law  1986 University of Jordan Jordan

Professional Experience 

Position  years Responsibilities 
General director of judicial institute of jordan  cassation court judge appeal court  judge  Judge at the court of First Instance of Amman 2024-still 2022 – still 2015 -2022 2002-2015 Hearings and Issue  verdicts in all kind of  suits Specialized in Commercial , Publication , Bankruptcy , Insolvency and Competition cases. This  include Hearings and Issue  verdicts.
Judge at the Magistrate Court of Amman 2001 – 2002 Specialized in Land lords and tenant cases.
A lawyer ( Private Firm) 1989-2001 . Representing clients in different kind of cases ,. Representing clients in Arbitration
Teacher-trainer in Judicial  Institute Of Jordan 2006 – still . commercial Law , civil procedure , scientific search of works of the courts , Bankruptcy and Competition law 

– Member of the National Committee of the penal justice

– Member of the Steering Committee for the Support of the justice sector  / European Union

 – Representative of the Judicial Council in the committee supervising the implementation of projects of USAID in Jordan


I had many trainings including:-

Type of training  Place of training Year
1 – specialized course in the administration of justice  2-  specialized course in the administration of justice  3 –  specialized course in the development of the justice sector  4 –  specialized course in the preparation of legislation and the quality of legislation   5 – specialized course in the quality of justice   6-Mediation Skills California /USA Netherlands / The Hague Germany Netherlands / The Hague Luxembourg San Diego /California 2016 2015 2014 2012 2010 2003
7 – Competition law Paris  2005
8- Copyright  Utah – USA 2006
9- Intellectual Property Rights Germany 2007
10- Judicial Fairness and Judicial Administration Seoul – Korea 2008


1 – civil procedure I   2008

2 – civil procedure II   2012

3 – Bankruptcy , Jordanian  law and British Insolvency Act   2005 


Secretary General of the Permanent Secretariat

The Euro-Arab Network for Judicial Training


The EAJTN Judicial Community


Official National

Representatives to The